::p_load(plotly, ggtern, tidyverse) pacman
Hands-on Exercise 5a: Creating Ternary Plot with R
1 Getting Started
In this exercise, we will use the following our R packages.
ggtern: a ggplot extension specially designed to plot ternary diagrams. The package will be used to plot static ternary plots.
Plotly R, R library for plotting interactive statistical graphs via plotly’s JavaScript graphing library, plotly.js. The plotly R libary contains the ggplotly function, which will convert ggplot2 figures into a Plotly object.
tidyverse, a family of modern R packages specially designed to support data science, analysis and communication task.
The code chunk below uses p_load()
of pacman package to check if these packages are installed in the computer and load them onto your working R environment.
The code chunk below imports respopagsex2000to2018_tidy.csv into R environment by using read_csv()
function of readr package.
<- read_csv("data/respopagsex2000to2018_tidy.csv") pop_data
Next, use the mutate()
function of dplyr package to derive three new measures, namely: young, active, and old.
#Deriving the young, economy active and old measures
<- pop_data %>%
agpop_mutated mutate(`Year` = as.character(Year))%>%
spread(AG, Population) %>%
mutate(YOUNG = rowSums(.[4:8]))%>%
mutate(ACTIVE = rowSums(.[9:16])) %>%
mutate(OLD = rowSums(.[17:21])) %>%
mutate(TOTAL = rowSums(.[22:24])) %>%
filter(Year == 2018)%>%
filter(TOTAL > 0)
2 Plotting Ternary Diagram with R
2.1 Plotting a static ternary diagram
Use ggtern()
function of ggtern package to create a simple ternary plot.
ggtern(data=agpop_mutated,aes(x=YOUNG,y=ACTIVE, z=OLD)) +
ggtern(data=agpop_mutated, aes(x=YOUNG,y=ACTIVE, z=OLD)) +
geom_point() +
labs(title="Population structure, 2015") +
2.2 Plotting an interative ternary diagram
The code below create an interactive ternary plot using plot_ly()
function of Plotly R.
# reusable function for creating annotation object
<- function(txt) {
label list(
text = txt,
x = 0.1, y = 1,
ax = 0, ay = 0,
xref = "paper", yref = "paper",
align = "center",
font = list(family = "serif", size = 15, color = "black"),
bgcolor = "#b3b3b3", bordercolor = "black", borderwidth = 2
# reusable function for axis formatting
<- function(txt) {
axis list(
title = txt, tickformat = ".0%", tickfont = list(size = 10)
<- list(
ternaryAxes aaxis = axis("Young"),
baxis = axis("Active"),
caxis = axis("Old")
# Initiating a plotly visualization
agpop_mutated, a = ~YOUNG,
b = ~ACTIVE,
c = ~OLD,
color = I("red"),
type = "scatterternary"
) layout(
annotations = label("Ternary Markers"),
ternary = ternaryAxes